Syllabus can be downloaded in PDF format here.
Instructor: Diane Maltester, (925) 765-4638, Office Hours: by appointment
Course Number: see catalogue
Room: TBA
Course Prerequisites: As specified in the catalogue
Required Textbooks and Materials:
• Individual course assignments (solo repertoire, etude books, CD’s and supplies) will be addressed at the first private lesson. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the assigned music and supplies promptly.
Course Description:
• Each student is offered private instruction. The number of lessons is in accordance with the music department handbook. The lesson time is to be arranged with the instructor the first week of classes of each quarter.
Course Goals and Objectives:
• Applied lessons are designed to instill the knowledge and develop the skills necessary to prepare the student to pursue a professional career in music. Repertoire, technical exercises and excerpts are assigned to stimulate and challenge specific areas of growth. The instructor will guide the student in a “Clarinet Course of Study” in order for each student to meet the standards of the CSUEB performance or credential degree.
Attendance and Drop Policy:
Students are required to attend every lesson.
The only absences that are considered excused are in case of crisis in the immediate family or serious personal illness.
If an excused absence must occur, contact the instructor within 24 hours either by texting or calling the instructor’s cell phone.
The instructor shall determine the validity of the reason for the student’s absence.
Excused lessons may be made up subject to the instructor availability.
All other absences are considered unexcused and will not be made up. An unexcused absence results in a grade of “F” for the weekly grade
If the student has two absences the final grade may result in a WU.
Specific Course Requirements:
Evidence of consistent progress by the student is expected. It is required that the student come to each lesson having completed the minimum level of preparation required.
Music majors: 2 hours of practice a day
Non – majors: 1 hour of practice a day
In general, this is the minimum time commitment required to achieve the results expected on an applied instrument. This practice must occur on a daily basis.
The student needs to be on time and warmed up for the lesson. If the student is late and/or not warmed up for the lesson, the grade for that week may be affected.
Students are required to come to lessons with the instrument and reeds in good working order and all materials organized for productive study.
Students are responsible for providing an accompanist or setting up rehearsals with the staff accompanist when necessary. Failure to do so may impact the student’s weekly grade.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Development of individual musical, fundamental and technical skills
Learn successful performance skills and techniques
Build a repertoire of diverse musical styles including solo literature, orchestral and band, and chamber music
Develop sight-reading skills and the ability to learn literature in a period of time appropriate to the level of difficulty
Solo Performance Requirements:
All literature must be approved by the instructor
The freshman level (10) requires one studio recital or one noon recital
The sophomore level (20) requires one studio recital and one noon recital
The junior level (30) requires one full recital or one joint recital
The senior level (40) requires one full recital or one joint recital
Performance Majors: Must meet the requirements set by the CSUEB music department’s handbook:Performance Attendance:
The CSUEB music department requires students to attend four recitals a quarter or twelve per year. These include performances in which the student is only an audience member
Students are required to attend studio recitals and any guest clarinet performances
Students are strongly encouraged to attend faculty recitals in all disciplines
Course Evaluation and Grading Policy:
Final grade is based on preparation, progression and performance
There will be a point system for each lesson and performance. Total points will determine quarter grade
Grading for each lesson: Scales/ fundamentals
To pass level 10, all major scales full range must be learned - 2 points / scale / lesson
To pass level 20, all minor scales full range must be learned - 2 points / scale / lesson
1 page technical exercises - 2 points / lesson
Etudes (musical, technical, transposition, other) - 2 points / lesson
Repertoire (Solo, band/orchestral excerpts) - 2 points / lesson
Two solos each quarter
Scales are mandatory and must be performed with in the first 10 minutes of the lesson.
Each lesson point value: A = 8-7pts, B = 6-5pts, C = 4pts, NP = 3pts or less pts for each lesson.
Total quarter points may vary and increase due to participation in masterclasses, studio recitals and concerts. Points may decrease due to absents and lack of preparation.
A total average points per quarter: A = 80-70, A- = 65, B+ = 60, B = 55, B- = 50, C+ = 45, C = 40, C- = 35, D+ = 30, D = 28, F = 27 and below.
Additional points can be earned through research projects, community service and performances, with the approval of the instructor
Students should come to each lesson prepared to perform all assigned materials including scales, exercises, etudes, solo material and excerpts.
Evidence of consistent progress is required.
Responsiveness and focus are required in each lesson. The student is expected to follow directions quickly and to be receptive to instruction.
The student will bring a positive attitude to the studio lesson.
For the best learning environment all cell phones must be turned off and no food or drink, except water, is allowed in the studio.
Final Jury Exam:
Will be held according to the handbook of undergraduate studies posted by the Music Department
The student will be evaluated according to the following criteria
Technical Competence: the jury will evaluate all aspects of technique including fingerings, articulation, intonation, hand position, and playing in the upper register.
Stylistic Interpretation: the jury will evaluate the extent to which the solo performance reflects an awareness of the demands of the practice performance of the era in which the music was created, and sensitivity to its genre.
Expressive Interpretation: the jury will assess the student’s performance of the selected repertoire in regards to their ability to communicate the musical sense of the piece through performance.
Note: For those on scholarship, failure to meet these minimum requirements could result in loss of scholarship.
American with Disabilities Act:
If you need disability-related accommodations in this class, or if you have emergency medical information, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please see me privately. The Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) is the campus office responsible for verifying that students have disability-related needs for academic accommodations and for planning appropriate accommodations in cooperation with the students themselves and their instructors. The SDRS is located in the Library complex, L12177. You may make an appointment or call (510) 885-3868.
Emergency information:
California State University, East Bay is committed to being a safe and caring community. Your appropriate response in the event of an emergency can save lives. Information on what to do in an emergency situation (earthquake, electrical outage, fire, extreme heat, severe storm, hazardous materials, terrorist attack) may be found at: management/index.html
Please be familiar with these procedures. Information on the pafe is updated as required.